Nov 16, 2013


Will you join me as we experience the end of Autumn days, so mellow, so beautiful in death; in giving thanks for the Creator-given cycle of birth, burgeoning life, and now, a return to the earth from whence it all sprang?


The winds come and comb the leaves 
from the sap-spent trees;
jewel-like leaves falling through our fingers.


 We take long walks, enjoying the crunch
of those multi-colored leaves underfoot.


 Then return home and rake them into
brittle piles for the children to run and
jump into!


The last of the apples 
are gathered in


                                         for cider, pies, and crisps...


 and lovely, plump pumpkins lying amongst
their withered life-giving leaves, to be 
placed in cold cellars.


 The golden honey is gathered from the
combs, largesse freely given by 
the busy bees of summer.


And just in time, for the Fall rains have
begun to drive us inside again... 


And because we, like the bees, have not been lazy,
but have stock-piled logs from the surrounding trees,
just waiting for the lighted match...


We can snuggle up in front of a nice, warm and
crackling fire that pours out a welcome
to our cold and weary bones.


And because the larder shelves are groaning
with "summer in a jar", to be savored throughout
the non-productive months, we thank God for all
the bounty and the strength to put them by.


The squirrels, too, hasten to seek and bury 
their bounty, buried treasure 
whose location is known only to them 
throughout the long winter months.


And in the warmth and comfort of our home 
we turn our hands to other activities:
preserving the colors and textures of nature
through paint and brush...


seeking the long ignored knitting basket
I now pull it close and finger the soft and fine
wool, soon to be shaped into something utilitarian.


Or I may just throw another log onto the low dying fire,
plop into my overstuffed chair, and read words
that transport me to a warmer, sunnier clime;
ever thankful even so for the advancing, 
changing seasons as dependable 
as the ticking of the wall clock
down the hall.


Rebeca said...

Lovely! I'm enjoying fall but missing sunshine already! So many cozy indoor creative and homey things to do though!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say Lovely, but see Beca said it first. None the less, Thank you, Michele, LOVELY Cousin Carol

Rebekah said...

This makes me more in love with the Creator, and life, and Autumn, and excited for what is to come! Just beautiful Michele..