Jan 11, 2014



The above photo was taken as Erik and Rebeca celebrated one of their previous anniversaries in the open air, on a hill (the scene of their engagement), with their children.  Looking at it one day, a poem started to form in my mind and I gave it to them on yet another anniversary.  I would like to share it with you on this, the anniversary of their twelfth year together, for it tells the lovely story of when and how it all really began for them, although they had been friends for some time.  It began under two very old apple trees...


Remember that day long ago,
Under the old apple trees,
Sitting in adirondacks painted lavender blue,
Matching your mood 
And the color of your eyes?
When for the hundredth-plus time you turned,
You asked, "Where is my wife?".

It was at that exact moment that
Out of the corner of my eye
Came a certain slight movement,
A door opening,
A lovely, long-time friend came
Descending the steps walking--
Walking straight towards you!

I invisible, her eyes were locked on yours:
A glinting, a longing,
And then time freezing.
Three hearts beating...
What am I doing here,
When clearly there's only
Seating for two?

I ascended the steps
Leaving you alone, my son,
But Glory to God, no longer alone!
The waiting was over,
Your oft-asked question answered
In the "twinkling of an eye".

And the two became one,
And then seven,
With one always present in our hearts.
Eyes only for the other;
A door opening and closing,
A Mother's prayers answered
Right before her eyes.

Perhaps those old trees continue to live,
Still whispering about what they saw,
As they gazed in great wonder
At what God had wrought,
Under the rustling listening leaves
That day so long ago.


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