Mar 29, 2014


The earth has moved around the sun in such a way that it is now in a position to receive more sunshine and warmth in our hemisphere.  Something mysterious happens, not just to birds who begin building nests and looking for a mate, but to womankind.  A mechanism begins to churn and burn in them, throwing them into a frenzy of feeling they must air out the house by opening windows, shake rugs, dust flat surfaces, wash, wax, even reposition furniture.  The age-old  ritual of Spring Cleaning has arrived: the old must be thrown out, the new replacing it; the house-bound, dead-looking chrysalis is transformed into a butterfly of purpose and movement!

Not to change the subject too drastically, but have you ever thought of doing a "Spring Cleaning" of your face?  Now don't be offended, I'm talking about the removal of dead skin, cleaning out those pores, bringing a shine to your sweet face.  There is a quick and easy way to bring about this transformation: all you need are a couple clippings of rosemary, a medium-sized pan to hold them in, some water to cover, and a stove to bring the mixture to a pre-boil stage.  Oh yes, and a nice clean towel.  

Once the mixture of water and rosemary are steaming, turn off the burner, place the pot on a front burner and stand over it with the towel making a tent to hold the steam in--be careful not to stand too close!, just to where it's comfortable--have your timer set for 2-3 minutes and close your eyes, no peeking.  Breathe in the fragrant and warm moist air, think of picnics to come alongside a rushing river with birds singing, and ding! the timer goes off.  

Now remove the towel, wash your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry (no harsh rubbing).  Do you see what I mean?  This process has brought the blood to the surface, the warm moisture has washed your pores clean, and you are ready to greet your day with a glowing face!  

This is not the last step to this marvelous cleansing process, because you do not pour out the rosemary-tinted fragrant water.  You take a sieve and pour the liquid into a container.  When this has cooled down, use it as a final rinse when you next shampoo your hair.  Marvelous rosemary is not just good for stuffing your chicken, but it's oils will cut all residue from your hair that dulls it.  The result?  You will have a spring-cleaned face and hair to go with it!  

Note:  If you don't have a rosemary bush of your own, perhaps a friend would share from theirs with you; or keep an eye out in your neighborhood for one, and if you ask nicely, a neighbor just may consent to you cutting a couple branches…and hey!  maybe you can do a "facial" together!

And in flower language, 
"Rosemary is for remembrance",
and I'm remembering you, my friend,
as Spring descends upon the land.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

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