Mar 16, 2014


'vin-tage:  of old, recognized,
and enduring interest, importance,  or quality.

Old photographs that make us smile at the
hair and clothing styles.  
How "innocent" it all seemed
way back then.

Did our grandparents really chug across the
country in a jalopy like this?  They must have
survived, because we're here...

These plates hold memories of long-ago meals,
served with lots of laughter and a dollop of panache.

Remember the glass milk jugs
just waiting on your door step in the morning?

Long-ago tradesmen learned a craft,
did it well, so well that it lasted
hundreds of years.  A red rose graces
it's faded glory.

Folded, patiently-stitched quilts 
still give comfort
on a cold night,
and light up those grey days.

Old silver-plated spoons need not be put
in the back of the drawer--
they can soldier on with new faces!

A well-worn chair could tell many tales
of those who sat and supped and talked,
and dreamed,
 and cried.

A herringbone-pattern floor
crafted with love and care,
now shows a lovely patina
so real you can smell the lemon wax.

Beautifully made copper pans still shine.
Quality is like that.

There were days when even the humblest items
were given the artist's time, careful 
hand and eye...

…like this finely crafted drawer front and key hole.
The fruit of their work became heirlooms,
not throw-aways, when they got old.
Wouldn't you love to run your fingers over this carving
each time you opened the drawer?

Old leather-bound books that have become
friends to more than one generation.  I like the
ones that have been written in pencil on the margins
when the reader was deeply moved by a passage.

 Moss-covered terra-cotta pots
can last for many summers--
they just keep looking better.

Vintage materials and style.  This apron
must have lit up the kitchen,
and the cook.  It would be strange to
"sling hash" in something this feminine!

Who would have the heart to throw away
a piece with a history like this?
Chipped, but still lovely,
like some of us.

"They don't make them like this anymore".
Well if they do, you pay the price.

Now THIS has all the earmarks of a time-tested recipe!
Don't you think they are often the best?

An old work horse, many miles to go
before being "put out to pasture".

Vintage cool.
"Out to pasture", but still an eye-full.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

So many of my favorite things! I love all of these pictures, and memories!